Friday 15 August 2003


Title – Regatta
Date – August 2003
Location - Ifaty - Madagascar

You can only work with the tools you are given, in this case a few stems of bamboo, a piece of drift wood and a plastic bag were transformed into one of the sailing ships that alongside of 15 or twenty of his friends were raced against each other. The constructions were so efficient that the kids had trouble keeping up with them even when at full sprint.

Knowing how to make the most of your situation will help you to overcome many of the hurdles you will come across when undertaking an extensive trip in a new country. Beyond The Blue run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to help you prepare properly for your trip and give you the direction and confidence to make the most of the limited Travel Equipment you will be able to take with you.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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