Friday 15 August 2003

Market Place

Title – Market Place
Date – August 2003
Location - Toamasina - Madagascar

Markets are colourful and lively places, wherever they are in the world, from Paris to Toamasina in Madagascar they are the perfect place to see the way the locals live. Markets represent the society they are in and here the colourful array of beans and seeds was just one example of the variety of produce on sale. Your haggling and bargaining skills will need to be sharp and alert when you enter this arena, but for those that love nothing more then people watching; head to the market.

The skills involved in haggling and bargaining are ones that you can only learn through experience and it can take a while, but there are simple techniques that can give you a little bit of a head start and more importantly the right attitude to take when needing to use these skills. Beyond The Blue run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to help prepare individuals for all the new experiences they will encounter on their travels.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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