Friday 15 August 2003

Jungle Guides

Title – Jungle Guides
Date – August 2003
Location - Masoala National Park - Madagascar

Getting through the virgin rainforest of Madagascar is not something to be taken lightly, if you are not familiar with your environment you would not only find yourself faced with one of the worlds most difficult environments to survive in, but you may well find yourself walking round in circles for days on end. Of my set of guides, at least one was easy to spot from a distance. But as soon as you leave your trail, it’s really a hopeless situation.

On this occasion we were looking for a rare lemur and the guides would split up while following trails and listening for sounds from the canapé, when they found a sign they would make animal noises to each other to ensure we were all heading in the right direction. As we got closer we speeded up until we were running at full pace over and under branches, up and down steep banks and across rivers. Loosing the guides who seemed to be able to almost hover over the hurdles, that I stumbled over and rolled under, was not something to contemplate. I was so disorientated that even when we finally stopped, having found our objective, I was completely unaware of how deep into the jungle we had actually travelled and the 4 hour hike back to camp would have been impossible for me to find on my own.

Beyond The Blue seeks to guide individuals through the jungle that is the preparation stages of your trip. With our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop we lead you through the highs and lows and give you the head start that helps you stay in control throughout your trip.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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