Friday 15 August 2003

Junior Guides

Title – Junior Guides
Date – August 2003
Location - Isalo National Park - Madagascar

Where ever you find yourself in the world you’ll need guides, sometimes you have the hire them but often you’ll find a local who is happy to show you the way or point you in the right direction. Often you will find that your visit instils a sense of honour on your host. But beware, in some countries not giving an answer is considered rude. In these cases even if people don’t know the answer your question, they feel obliged to give you an answer and this can lead you astray.

Kids can often be great guides, the area you are exploring is often their playground, but again know what you are getting into, kids can also be used as a diversionary technique and although this is normally only the case in more urban areas, it can also happen in the country. There have been cases of kids luring people into areas where others then take over and before you know it your valuables are gone.

Here that wasn’t the case and the kids were excellent guides and took me all through the river gorges, all for the price of some biscuits and a share of the drinking water.

Beyond The Blue have developed a Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to help individuals who are planning a trip to a new country to research their destination properly and to travel responsibly reducing the risk wherever possible.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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