Friday 15 August 2003

Maronseterra High Street

Title – Maronseterra High Street
Date – August 2003
Location - Maronseterra - Madagascar

High Streets in many western countries are starting to become cloned; you’ll find the same shop, bars and restaurants standing on either side of the strip. Some have been pedestrianised and some have been turned into a market place, but here in Maronseterra the town planning has gone slightly wrong and the ducks have taken over and now claim it as home. Get too close and you’ll be warned off with a shrill hiss, as they only seem to respect the sound of a truck approaching in the distance and waddle out of the way before reclaiming their terrain.

The Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop, like all courses run by Beyond The Blue are designed not to be generic but rather specific to those attending. Each group we teach has unique requirements and the workshops are tailored for them. The most obvious changes will be in where people are planning to travel, but also the make up of the group will determine what personal safety techniques we teach and what advice we give. Groups can be very varied and this does not mean that one or the other will miss out, with over 193 countries in the world (Source; The UN recognises 192, as the Vatican remains independent of the UN charter. This makes a total of 193 if you include the Vatican, although there is some dispute over these numbers) no matter how different the requirements of individuals we never need to cover each of these countries and if we cover a country you are not planning to visit on your trip, it might just give you some great ideas for your next trip.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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