Friday 15 August 2003

Fishing Town

Title – Fishing Town
Date – August 2003
Location - Tamatave - Madagascar

Tourism is not a past time restricted to westerners although generally it is restricted to the rich. Tamatave is the Madagascan equivalent to Brighton and people flock from Antanarivo to escape the madness of that city. The long beach is by no means world class compared with others round the country, but watching locals being tourists in their own country is certainly an interesting angle to experience.

Here the local tourists watch the local locals fishing; getting your vantage point is something you have to fight for.

Beyond The Blue runs Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops to help you prepare for the adventures you are planning in any part of the world. We strictly limit the numbers attending the course in order to ensure that the course is productive and all those attending achieve a positive learning experience.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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