Friday 15 August 2003


Title – Chameleon
Date – August 2003
Location - Masoala National Park - Madagascar

The Chameleon is well known for its ability to change colour and to blend into its environment although recent research suggests the change in colour is used more in mating rituals and to warn predators. Here in Madagascar over half the worlds know species can be found and many believe that more species are yet to be discovered. Madagascar also boasts the smallest to the largest to be found anywhere in the world. The largest (Parson’s Chameleon) comes in at over 60cm in length and the smallest (Stump-tailed Chameleon) at only 0.35cm. With many of the Chameleons being unique to the island it’s a great place to come and see them, but beware the locals find Chameleons ugly and many Taboos exist surrounding this animal. So if your excitement at seeing them is not matched by that of your guide, there may be a reason.

Chameleons change their colour not only to match their environment better and thus for protection, they also use it to communicate with other chameleons. Certainly an ingenious evolution.

Beyond The Blue believe that one of the most successful ways to avoid conflict or other pitfalls such as theft or mugging depends on your ability to blend into your new surroundings. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop examines this concept and we pass on all our experiences and the techniques we have developed, to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime when you are in a new and unfamiliar environment.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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