Sunday 12 August 2001

World War II Guns

Title – World War II Guns
Date – August 2001
Location - Rabaul – Papua New Guinea

Sometimes temptation gets that little bit too strong and you can’t stop yourself taking the ‘classic’ photo. But when WWII gun stations are still lying at the side of the road, sixty years after they were last fired, it can be hard to resist having a closer look… and maybe a play.

But be warned, WWII left a lot of debris behind it and it more remote parts of the Pacific Islands you can also come across unexploded munitions, they may have been laying there for sixty years but that doesn’t make them safe.

Beyond The Blue examines assessing risk both in the planning stage of your trip and once you have left by carrying out dynamic risk assessments in what ever situation your may encounter along the way. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop is designed to help you to make choices based on good judgement and all the available information.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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