Sunday 12 August 2001

Local Traders

Title – Local Traders
Date – August 2001
Location - Papua New Guinea

Your contribution can make a very positive difference to the economies of not just the government of the country you visit, but also the micro economies in towns and villages you come across along the way. While on a dive trip in Papua New Guinea, these local traders paddled all the way out to sea to pull along the side us, with a view to trying to sell some local goods.

People have different opinions on buying from hawkers, but here there can be no doubt that these were local villagers looking for legitimate income from an honest trade. I decided to buy some fruits and coconuts, despite not really needing them, but they proved useful gifts for a later stop at a local village. I avoided buying the shells on offer as the nature of the shell trade at every level, is having a serious effect on the populations of some species. I believe that shells are much more beautiful in their original environment then on a shelf in your home.

Beyond The Blue’s Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop is designed to help people travelling to do so responsibly and without damaging local ecologies. We believe travel should make a positive contribution in the countries you visit.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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