Sunday 12 August 2001

Tuvurvur Volcano

Title – Tuvurvur Volcano
Date – August 2001
Location - Rabaul – New Britain – Papua New Guinea

Don’t underestimate the force of our planet and don’t put yourself in its way when it decides on demonstrating who the boss is. This lava rock didn’t just appear from nowhere, it popped out of the top of this volcano in Papua New Guinea. Don’t fall into the trap to think this all happened thousands of years ago; this volcano is as active as any accessible to the experienced traveller, sending plumes of smoke out at regular intervals and covering Rabaul every day in a thin layer of ash. It also has a tendency to throw rocks out hundreds of meters from the core.

Volcanoes in many parts of the world are active and dangerous and you should seek advice from local specialist before you attempt to climb them or get within spitting distance. The specialists spend hours looking at the signs and symptoms before deciding on the threat level.

At Beyond The Blue we train individuals to recognise the signs and symptoms of threats as part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop, so that they can avoid risk in the first place. We can’t predict when volcanoes will erupt, but we can read the signs put up by the experts.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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