Sunday 12 August 2001

Village Chiefs Hut

Title – Village Chiefs Hut
Date – August 2001
Location - Sepik - Papua New Guinea

Being invited to stay in the chief’s hut bestows a great honour on you and on the village chief himself and is an opportunity that should not be missed. But seeing that the chief’s entire possessions can be contained in two small suitcases is a stark reminder. The value of your backpack alone probably exceeds the value of his entire belongings.

Showing respect is a very important part of being accepted on your visit to a new country. Be aware of those who are offering you hospitality and what effect your visit will have on them. Bringing a gift is a common way of showing this respect, but cash in the middle of Papua is of very little use, more sensible gifts that will have a positive impact on your hosts are much more appreciated. This can be as simple as food stuffs or something useful like a pen knife or similar implement.

Beyond The Blue recognises the benefits of generating a positive reaction from your host. As part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop we look at non verbal communication and win-win situations to help you achieve this positive impact.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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