Sunday 12 August 2001

Papua Time

Title – Papua Time
Date – August 2001
Location - The Sepik – Papua New Guinea

Papua-time, much like Fiji-time, is the local description for the pace of life and sense of any lack of urgency that abounds throughout the South Pacific. Take any task you complete ay home and add an infinite amount of time to it and you can work out how long the same task will take in the South Pacific. Put more simply there is no timetable.

Invited as always to stay in the chiefs hut overnight whenever visiting the villages in this part of the Sepik, you can find yourself abandoned as the chief attends to important duties in another part of the village. These duties can take fifteen minutes or many many hours, the time you spend sitting back waiting, that’s truly Papua-time.

Beyond The Blue’s Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop helps prepare the individuals attending to survive in environments and cultures very different from our own and with very different priorities.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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