Sunday 12 August 2001

Missionary Air Force

Title – Missionary Air Force
Date – August 2001
Location - The Sepik – Papua New Guinea

There are two ways into the interior of the Sepik river area of Papua New Guinea, the first is overland, this involves a very long ride in the back of a pick-up truck to the nearest loading point on the Sepik itself and then negotiating a ride in a dug out canoe all the way into the centre and will take several days. The second is to hitch a ride on the Missionary Air Force plane, for a negotiated fee and the willingness to be preached at for the duration of the flight, you‘ll get a ride in the cockpit.

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop examines Transport Options at your destinations. Beyond The Blue run these workshops to prepare individuals for where ever their dreams may take them.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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