Tuesday 20 August 1996

Wine Land

Title – Wine Land
Date – August 1996
Location - Stellenbosh – South Africa

Dusk in Stellenbosh is one of those great pleasures in life; sit back in one of the ‘New World’s’ finest wine areas, a glass of Merlot in hand and enjoy the glory and drama of this fresher part of Africa. Taking a little time in this area and exploring the wineries and taking the compulsory wine tasting tour, is a must if you can fit it into your schedule.

Sometimes even on the budget trips it’s worth planning in a few days luxury. A region like this is a fantastic place to spend a little more on your accommodation and find a nice bungalow or guest house room to enjoy a little ‘civilisation’ in the rugged and wild land.

Beyond The Blue employs only experienced travellers to deliver our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop, we employ people who love travel and who want to share their experiences. We know that the odd little bit of luxury is a welcome break when you are on a tight budget and on a long trip. Our instructors travel on a budget when the needs demand it, but also appreciate the other end of the scale when the opportunity arises. We welcome any individuals to attend the course, whether they are planning to go first class or third class or a bit of both.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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