Friday 16 August 1996

Rhino & Calf

Title – Rhino & Calf
Date – August 1996
Location - Kruger National Park – South Africa

This Rhino Calf feeding was an amazing sight, something so gentle built into the frame of a Sherman tank.

Several days after this encounter we were driving back to camp after a long day’s safari and on a day so hot, that even the air-conditioning couldn’t keep up. In our haste for the cold beer that awaited us in camp, we were going a little faster then the speed limit in the park, nothing excessive probably just 10 miles per hour. Turning a corner we came across a fully grown male white rhino in the middle of the road. Originally facing away from us it seemed to spin on it’s axis and was looking right into my eyes as I skidded to a stop. Within 10 meters of my car was this rhino, weighing in at some 2 tonnes and with the ability to run at 30 mph. Fortunately reversing seemed to leave him feeling he had won without needing to prove it by crushing the hire car.

Beyond The Blue consider the need to be able to read body language as part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop. We teach how to read the signs in other people in order to avoid conflict situations in the first place, but we also caution that you should not make judgements based purely on the way someone looks. Many people have very different side to their characters and your ability to read the signs will keep you safer throughout your trip.

Warning signs in people can be read in their body language, physical warning signs like the speed limits are there for a reason, the people that put them up know the reasons and you have to trust them, as they are inevitably right.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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