Thursday 15 August 1996


Title – Croc.
Date – August 1996
Location – South Africa

Throughout Africa and Oceania these living dinosaurs still rule the rives, lakes and estuaries. Traditionally confused with floating logs, crocodiles are still responsible for deaths every year.
But to do them justice we need to put the figures into perspective; it is believed that 100’s of people die from crocodile attacks world wide each year with the majority being in impoverished areas and areas of political unrest. In Australia for example the average deaths recorded each year is less then one person.

The number of road death in the world vary depending on which statistics you believe, but the experts put the figure between 600,000 and 1,100,000 with over 10 million other people injured. Each year 1600 people die on Australia’s roads alone

The conclusion; In Australia you are one thousand six hindered times more likely to die on the road then by a crocodile.

Our advice; Drive safely and when you see a Croc….

Don’t get this close!

Beyond The Blue runs honest courses that try and get those attending our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to see past the sensationalist headlines and the myths about the dangers that are out there and focus on the ones that we are involved in every day, but seem to manage to ignore until they affect us personally. How many people put off trips to Australia because of spiders, snakes and crocs? How many decide to leave the UK because over 3000 people die in road traffic accidents every year?

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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