Tuesday 20 August 1996

Rhino Gathering

Title – Rhino Gathering
Date – August 1996
Location - Kruger National Park – South Africa

The chances of seeing a large group of White Rhino like this are slim, but if you get lucky as we did then it’s a sight to blow you away. We had the good fortune of arriving in the dry season and after a long period without rain. This made the bush dry and many of the leaves had fallen off the scrub and trees making it easier to spot game and forcing animals to share when they came across a water hole. The resulting concentration of animals at these locations was something you would simply not see at any other time of year.

Choosing when to go on you holiday can be the difference between the success and failure of your trip. Many countries have a wet and a dry season or the further north and south you go from the equator, they have the more familiar four seasons, but to differing degrees. Beyond The Blue provides as part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop detailed information about the countries you are planning to visit; through our Destination Advice, we examine the climate of the countries you are intending to visit. This will help you in the planning stages of your trip and ensure you avoid the months when even the locals want to leave town.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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