Tuesday 20 August 1996


Title – Springboks
Date – August 1996
Location - Kalahari National Park – South Africa

The Springbok is one of the symbols of South Africa. Adopted by the national rugby team as their emblem, they are truly majestic animals. The origin of the Springboks name comes from the Afrikaans word ‘Bok’ for Deer and the ‘Spring’ refers to the distinct habit this animal has in evading predators. The Springbok like many of its cousins stays in groups and believes in the concept of safety in numbers, but when the herd is attacked by a lion, cheetah or leopard it will race away like a large school of fish trying to confuse the predators. To add to this they have the remarkable ability to seemingly jump straight in the air to avoid obstacles or the jaws of the chasing cats. The springbok can run at more then 80 Km/h and jump more then 10m in a single bound, which makes you realise why the Cheetah had to become the fastest land animal on erarth in order to survive.

Beyond The Blue is a training company that runs Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to help people to prepare for their trips to new countries, where ever that might be in the world. We help people to jump the hurdles that are placed in front of them during the planning stages and when travelling in your chosen destination.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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