Tuesday 1 August 2000

The Royal Palace

Title – The Royal Palace
Date – August 2000
Location - Phnom Penh - Cambodia

The Royal Family has remained an important factor in modern day Cambodia. The country is a fully fledged democracy and although it suffers from many of the afflictions of other developing countries in the region, it also has the added burden of the Khmer Rouge history still weighing hard on the politics of the country.

The Royal Family has had a roller coaster ride throughout the last century being in turn loved and hated by the Cambodian people as it backed various regimes and spent some time in exile.

The palaces in Phnom Penh however stand as a symbol of the old excesses of royal architecture to be found all over the world. On a sunny day the gold leaf reflects the light magnificently back to the blue sky it came for and is an interesting half day trip with the highlight being a glimpse of the Silver Pagoda at its centre.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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