Tuesday 1 August 2000

River of blood

Title – River of blood
Date – August 2000
Location - Phnom Penh - Cambodia

In 1975 Pol Pot or 'Brother no. 1' as he liked being called tried to return Cambodia to the Year Zero. He moved all the towns’ people into the country and forced them into hard labour. The plan was to create a country that was completely self-sufficient through agriculture and remove all external influences. This meant that educated people were considered a threat to society and rounded up, tortured and routinely killed. The test to separate 'intellectuals' from normal citizens was often as simple as rounding up all those people wearing glasses.

The map in the Toul Sleng Museum (S-21 Prison) made from human skulls and bones represents this period where some 2 million Cambodian citizens were massacred over a 4 year period.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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