Tuesday 1 August 2000

Elephant Carving Bateay Seri Temple

Title – Elephant Carving Bateay Seri Temple
Date – August 2000
Location - Siem Reap - Cambodia

You could spend days, weeks and even years admiring and examining the carvings and art of the temples of the Angkor Wat region. Bateay Seri Temples is one of the best examples.

Many carvings have been damaged by the Khmer Rouge who felt it represented the past and with the attempt to start again at year Zero, Pol Pot and his henchmen tried to systematically destroy many of the temples with limited success. That destruction has recently been extended by a prolific trade in ancient artefacts leading to further theft and destruction.

Tourism has helped the justification of the Cambodians to protect these ancient wonders from further damage and with international help some stolen artefact have even been returned.

Beyond The Blue runs workshops designed to prepare individuals planning to travel for the rigours they will encounter in all parts of the world. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop covers areas as different as ethical and responsible travel and which transport options will be available to you. The workshop allows those attending to take their first tentative steps in travel with more confidence.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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