Tuesday 1 August 2000

The Killing Fields

Title – Killing Fields
Date – August 2000
Location - Phnom Penh - Cambodia

The New and the old. On the entry to the killing fields just outside Phnom Penh stands this sign, it reads:

“……. The method of massacre which the clique of Pol Pot criminals was carried upon the innocent people of Kampuchea cannot be described fully and clearly in words because of the invention of this killing method was strangely cruel, so it is difficult for us to determine who they are for they have the human form but their hear hearts are demon’s hearts they have got the Khmer face but their activities are purely reactionary. …….. they had educated and transformed young people and the adolescent whose hearts are pure gentle and modest into odious executioners who dared to kill the innocent and even their own parents, relatives or friends. ……”

Learning about a countries history recent or ancient will help you to understand it and its people. Cambodia has a very turbulent recent history resulting in the massacre of some 2 million of its citizens. The massacre by its own leaders was extreme and rapid, it took place over a period of just 4 years. The estimates of the number killed are still disputed with numbers ranging wildly between 1 million and 3 million.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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