Saturday 20 May 2006

Fuel Delivery

Title – Fuel Delivery
Date – May 2006
Location - Malapascua Island - Philippines

‘A different way of life to the one you leave behind’, is the motivation behind many people’s desire to travel across the world, but it’s not always easy to know what you are going to see when you get there. Certainly it’s different enough on this island, there are no petrol stations or cars, but fuel is still at the very core of survival.

To run the generators that provide the power to the various facilities, the fuel has to be brought over from the mainland in drums, for small holdings the drums are simply unaffordable, so their response is a mobile petrol station, of sorts. These two girls seemed quite content on this hot day with their toil in life, to drag the canoe full of fuels round the shore in the shallows selling it to small holdings and earning a few pennies for their family along the way. The beaming smile, which we sometimes seem to have lost in the comfort of developed countries, still shines through despite the back breaking work.

We believe that there is a lot that people can learn from travelling the world and therefore putting their own world into some perspective. We also understand the effect that your visit can have on the small holdings of countries so far away from your own. Therefore at Beyond The Blue we teach individuals how to travel in safety and how to travel conscientiously.
Through our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop we help those people planning to realise their ambitions of discovering a new part or the world, by offering advice, guidance and information on their destinations and the positive effect they can have on them.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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