Saturday 20 May 2006

Friendly Gecko

Title – Friendly Gecko
Date – May 2006
Location - Malapascua Island - Philippines

Geckos come in all shapes and sizes, this one about 12 inches long and 1.5 across was a hefty fellow. He seemed intent on guarding my hut from the invasion of bugs or maybe he was just having a feast with those being attracted by my lights; either way as someone keen and interested in reptiles of all shapes and sizes he certainly was interesting to watch.

It wasn’t until the light turned off and I was trying to get some sleep that I realised his greatest attribute, his voice... Never have I heard and animal of this size produce quite such a racket. The sound seemed to go right through my ears, straight down my spinal column and from this central nervous system; it hit every nerve ending in my body. But no matter how many times I threw shoes, books, rocks and more at the palm thatch ceiling, once hidden he refused to show himself. The only way I could still tell he was there, that screeching.

The unexpected is often what frustrates us most. Getting to the other side of the world and realising that you brought you ipod, but left the headphones behind or in this case searching though your bag like a mad man when the earplugs you bought, must still be sitting on the mantelpiece at home.

Beyond The Blue provides workshops to help individuals planning travel to new parts of the world prepare for these experiences. There is nothing to be gained by loosing sleep; our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop will help you gain the confidence that your preparations are complete and appropriate for your destination. Turning up in the tropics with plenty of Gortex or in Antarctica with a sarong may seem obvious mistakes; but dealing with a gecko on a small island in the Philippines is an altogether different battle and requires different equipment… this time a battle that he won…

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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