Saturday 20 May 2006

Dive Prep.

Title – Dive Prep.
Date – May 2006
Location - Malapascua Island - Philippines

Of the many extreme sports that are available in different parts of the world, diving is the one that people come back to time and time again. There is some debate as to whether diving should really be classified as an extreme sport, but whatever your opinion, diving has been growing as one of the most practiced sports in the world for many years and the recreational dive market is now very substantial.

There are many great dive destinations around the world, but each destination has its own merits and dangers. Some should really only be tackled by experienced divers and some are better for learning then others. At Beyond The Blue we can advise you on the best dive destination in the world and the best ones to suit you. We provide this detail within the destination advice session of our workshop or through specific consultancy services.

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop can help you to choose the destinations that will suit you best and help you prepare for travel with all the advice you will need to complete your trip safely.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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