Friday 1 September 2000

Mount Yasur Volcano Eruption

Title – Mount Yasur Volcano Eruption
Date – September 2000
Location - Tanna Island - Vanuatu

Volcanoes such as the very active and accessible Mount Yasur on Tanna Island in Vanuatu are fascinating to visit. The old cliché that 'they make you feel small and insignificant and show how susceptible we are to the earth’s power' is no exaggeration.

In countries where access is not regulated such as Vanuatu, it does not mean that they are not as dangerous. Listen to local advice when official advice is not available and always plan your visits well. Climbing this volcano on your own and sitting on the rim at dusk watching the molten rock be thrown hundreds of meters in the air, is certainly better then the best fireworks display mankind has managed to date, but if fireworks are dangerous then Volcanoes are deadly.

Beyond The Blue runs Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops designed to make those attending aware of managing risk when travelling abroad and demonstrate ways of reducing it.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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