Friday 1 September 2000

Blue Holes

Title – Blue Holes
Date – September 2000
Location - Espiritu Santo Island - Vanuatu

The Blue Holes of Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu are just that, exceptionally clear blue water about 18m deep and spring fed, they are so clear that the bottom can be seen and makes a great stop for a refreshing swim or snorkel. The fish are friendly and it’s an incredible experience to swim in fresh water this clear. Be sure not to harm this incredible little spot with any kind of pollutant such as shampoo or soap.

Beyond The Blue derived its name from our desire to get our candidates looking 'beyond the blue' rather than dealing with problems as they come at them 'out of the blue'. It is in this spirit that we run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop for people planning to travel to any of the beautiful sights the world has to offer. Our workshop covers many different subjects including Ethical and Responsible Travel, Destination Advice and routes that those planning a round-the-world trip might consider.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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