Friday 1 September 2000

Million Dollar Point

Title – Million Dollar Point
Date – September 2000
Location - Espiritu Santo Island - Vanuatu

Million Dollar Point is the location where the Americans, at the end of World War II bulldozed the entire infrastructure they had built to accommodate the soldiers transported here from the USA; these soldiers were sent to acclimatise on Vanuatu prior to being sent out to the fight in different parts of the Pacific in the second world war. Over 500,000 soldiers passed through these islands and rather than leave the infrastructure for the inhabitants whose undisturbed world had been turned upside down, the Americans decided to dump it all in the sea, at the subsequently and appropriately named Million Dollar Point.

These days it’s a great place to snorkel or dive and to see the incredible array of equipment they dumped including jeeps, water tanks, and coke bottles in their tens of thousands, before they finally dumped the bulldozers themselves.

Beyond The Blue run workshops for those planning a gap year or taking a career break to experience independent travel. These workshops are designed to help people travel safely and with confidence to wherever their dreams take them. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop also examines aspects of Travel Equipment requirements, so that you take what is required and leave behind what you will never use. Often the simplest mistakes in equipment choices can have a huge impact on the budget you have set yourself.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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