Friday 1 September 2000

Million Dollar Point

Title – Million Dollar Point
Date – September 2000
Location - Espiritu Santo Island - Vanuatu

Million Dollar Point is the location where the Americans, at the end of World War II bulldozed the entire infrastructure they had built to accommodate the soldiers transported here from the USA; these soldiers were sent to acclimatise on Vanuatu prior to being sent out to the fight in different parts of the Pacific in the second world war. Over 500,000 soldiers passed through these islands and rather than leave the infrastructure for the inhabitants whose undisturbed world had been turned upside down, the Americans decided to dump it all in the sea, at the subsequently and appropriately named Million Dollar Point.

These days it’s a great place to snorkel or dive and to see the incredible array of equipment they dumped including jeeps, water tanks, and coke bottles in their tens of thousands, before they finally dumped the bulldozers themselves.

Beyond The Blue run workshops for those planning a gap year or taking a career break to experience independent travel. These workshops are designed to help people travel safely and with confidence to wherever their dreams take them. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop also examines aspects of Travel Equipment requirements, so that you take what is required and leave behind what you will never use. Often the simplest mistakes in equipment choices can have a huge impact on the budget you have set yourself.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Blue Holes

Title – Blue Holes
Date – September 2000
Location - Espiritu Santo Island - Vanuatu

The Blue Holes of Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu are just that, exceptionally clear blue water about 18m deep and spring fed, they are so clear that the bottom can be seen and makes a great stop for a refreshing swim or snorkel. The fish are friendly and it’s an incredible experience to swim in fresh water this clear. Be sure not to harm this incredible little spot with any kind of pollutant such as shampoo or soap.

Beyond The Blue derived its name from our desire to get our candidates looking 'beyond the blue' rather than dealing with problems as they come at them 'out of the blue'. It is in this spirit that we run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop for people planning to travel to any of the beautiful sights the world has to offer. Our workshop covers many different subjects including Ethical and Responsible Travel, Destination Advice and routes that those planning a round-the-world trip might consider.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Champagne Beach

Title – Champagne Beach
Date – September 2000
Location - Espiritu Santo Island - Vanuatu

Champagne Beach has simply to be one of the best undiscovered beaches in the world. It’s not a place to come to sip cocktails and sit by the pool as there are no cocktails to be had and no swimming pool. But there is no need to worry, why would you need a pool when there is a white sand beach sloping gently off into a sea protected from extremes by a small island in the mouth of the bay. As for the cocktails, the local villagers sometimes have a few bits and bobs available for the odd passing tourist, but ‘bring your own’, is definitely the way forward.

Beyond The Blue believes in training the individuals attending our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop in being well prepared for where ever they are going. At Champagne Beach all you need is your swimming gear, enough water for the day and sunscreen. For a year away from home you’ll need a little more, but not as much as some people would think….

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Mount Yasur Volcano Eruption

Title – Mount Yasur Volcano Eruption
Date – September 2000
Location - Tanna Island - Vanuatu

Volcanoes such as the very active and accessible Mount Yasur on Tanna Island in Vanuatu are fascinating to visit. The old cliché that 'they make you feel small and insignificant and show how susceptible we are to the earth’s power' is no exaggeration.

In countries where access is not regulated such as Vanuatu, it does not mean that they are not as dangerous. Listen to local advice when official advice is not available and always plan your visits well. Climbing this volcano on your own and sitting on the rim at dusk watching the molten rock be thrown hundreds of meters in the air, is certainly better then the best fireworks display mankind has managed to date, but if fireworks are dangerous then Volcanoes are deadly.

Beyond The Blue runs Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops designed to make those attending aware of managing risk when travelling abroad and demonstrate ways of reducing it.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Beach Hut

Title – Beach Hut
Date – September 2000
Location - Tanna Island - Vanuatu

Accommodation options vary and in the best locations the choices can be limited.

Here the 'Friendly Bungalows' on Tanna Island are as simple as permanent structures can be, with no furniture on the split bamboo floor and with no electricity, but you are compensated by the isolation and the view. As a bonus Mary, who was looking after us, did so with a level of service never matched in any five star hotel. One night she approached me to apologies for the dinner she had made for me, as the only person staying that month. It was lobster! She was apologising as we had lobster the previous night, but the fisherman had caught too many and they don’t waste anything. Needless to say I forgave her the monotony of the menu on this occasion…

Beyond The Blue runs workshops for individuals planning Gap Year, a Career Break or Independent Travel and discusses the various accommodation options you will encounter around the world and how to avoid the pitfalls.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Mount Yasur Volcano

Title – Mount Yasur Volcano
Date – September 2000
Location - Tanna Island - Vanuatu

Normally when visiting active volcanoes, you will have to follow the paths and heed warning signs. Any other approach can mean that you are putting yourself in direct danger and possibly others who may be required to rescue you in the case of an accident. On Volcanoes like Mount Yasur on Tanna Island Vanuatu, there is no track to follow and in these cases you have to take advice from local residents and plan your excursions well.

At Beyond The Blue we teach candidates how to manage and assess risk when they are travelling independently, on a gap year or career break. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety and Awareness workshop helps you to plan your travel and to research areas where the risks are greater. The experience of our instructors allows them to pass on tips and tricks they have learned over the years they have been travelling.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew