Sunday 20 September 1998

Mini Bar

Title – Mini Bar
Date – September 1998
Location - Yap - Micronesia

When you’re thirsty there is nearly always a solution, but when trekking or in very remote locations it’s not always possible to buy water away from urban centres. Learning to climb a coconut tree solves this problem as the milk from a young coconut will certainly quench your thirst.

No one at Beyond The Blue is going to teach you to climb a coconut tree; we will even go so far as to recommend you do not attempt this. Coconut trees are the cause of many an accident every year. You are already in enough danger from the nuts falling on your head, without the need to for you to put yourself in a position to fall on your own head. Ask a local they will often be happy to harvest one for you or direct you to someone who will sell you one for just a few pence.

During our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety and Awareness worshop we examine the concept of assessing risk; risk from another individual or from your own actions. We know that travelling has enough inherent risk associated with it, without adding to that by taking pointless risks for little reward.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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