Sunday 1 August 1999

Kids Games

Title – Kids Games
Date – August 1999
Location - Sabah – Borneo Island - Malaysia

The difference between the after school games children at home play and their counter parts in the developing countries of the world, such as here in Borneo, could not be further apart.

In London kids sit back on their X-boxes and Play Stations killing imaginary monsters and dragons, in Sabah on Borneo island they have the real thing in the form of Monitor Lizards and the joystick is made from scratch to try and capture the monster, all in the name of fun!

Beyond The Blue through its Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop addresses the issues of culture shock for those individuals embarking on new and exciting trips all over the world. Alongside Travel Safety advice, we provide Cultural Awareness training to enable those attending to have a better idea of what to expect when they arrive in a new country and therefore to be more relaxed and more able to make the most of these experiences.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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