Sunday 20 September 1998

Two Dog Island

Title – Two Dog Island
Date – September 1998
Location - Palau - Micronesia

Palau is a group of small islands that from the air look like deep green mushrooms in an intensely blue sea. There can be no more beautiful sight when flying into any airport in the world.

Two Dog Island is just one of the 343 of these little islands and is known for its only inhabitants, two semi-wild dogs. The dogs are reasonably friendly to visitors, but with visitors being infrequent they have learned to look after themselves and can bee seen hunting and more impressively fishing. Jumping into the sea they are capable of catching fish which makes the stable of their diet.

Finding these absurdities in strange corners of the world make any trip exciting and interesting. Beyond The Blue run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops for individuals planning to travel to any part of the world. As well as the issues of security and travel planning, we can also guide you through some of the world’s most exciting destinations and the advise you on the best way to get to them.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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