Thursday 13 July 2006


Title – Rickshaws
Date – July 2006
Location - Beijing - China

Rickshaws have long been the transport of choice in many cities and towns throughout Asia and to this day millions of rickshaws make tens of millions of trips throughout the region every day. In some of the more popular tourist centres they ply their trade directly for tourists, but mostly rickshaw driver see tourists as a bonus and a source of extra revenue as they can demand a higher fare from you then the locals. But despite this they can be the most efficient mode of transport and the cheapest when you have to get round in the madness of local traffic.

It’s useful, if you don’t want to get a complete sightseeing tour of the city, to have some knowledge of how to get to your destination, so you can give some direction to the runner or driver. The other way to get to your destination via the quickest route is to negotiate the cost before you set off.

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop looks at the Transport Options, not only in getting to your destination, but in getting from one location to the next and within the countries themselves. Beyond The Blue does not recommend particular carriers or companies during its courses, but does discuss the experiences of the instructors.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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