Thursday 13 July 2006

Boating Beijing

Title – Boating Beijing
Date – July 2006
Location - Beijing - China

The tea boats are a great way to spend an afternoon cruising the city of Beijing, they keep you out of the intense heat in summer and you are looked after and served tea throughout while you watch the city go about its daily business. It’s a fascinating insight into a completely different way of life and a new angle to see the city from.

Beyond The Blue endeavours to look at the subjects it teaches from new angles, we don’t think the traditional way is the always the best. We will not just tell you that the size of China is 9.6 million square km, we will tell you that and that it’s 40 times the size of the UK. Which way of looking at this simple subject will you remember when you come to plan your trip?

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops are directed at people going on their first big trip abroad. It is delivered by experienced instructors who know the best ways to get their message across, as they were once in your shoes and understand the worries you have when planning your first trip.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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