Wednesday 15 September 2004

Welcome to Bikini Atoll

Title – Welcome to Bikini Atoll
Date – September 2004
Location - Bikini Atoll – Marshal Islands

Bikini Atoll is at the end of the earth; it is so far away from anywhere else that the USA used this as its nuclear testing ground. The most famous of tests took place right here after the end of World War II in 1946 and 1947 code named Operation Crossroads. This fascinating programme like many others since had a dark and dishonest underbelly that saw the people of Bikini Atoll tricked into leaving their island, convinced by the American leadership that their exodus would be short lived and the test that were being planned “were for the good of man kind and to end all world wars”. The total population of Bikini Atoll, a total of 167 people, left the island for what they were told would be a short time and have never been able to return.
Although there is no doubt that there were scientific reasons that the tests needed to be carried out, there were two other reasons that they were important. After World War II there was a considerable battle between the Navy and Army in the USA for funds and the Army (who at that time also comprised the fledgling air force) argued that the Navy no longer needed to be funded to the same extent, as the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima had effectively started a new chapter in warfare. There was a genuine belief that the Nuclear option would end the need for conventional wars. To this end several hundred international dignitaries were also invited to attend the ‘testing’ and to witness for themselves the awesome power of the nuclear bombs, or possibly to warn them of this power.

Some 42,000 US Navy and US Army personnel were involved in this operation and many suffered terribly as a result of the radiation they were exposed to.

The people of Bikini have yet to return to their island and repopulate it, although it is safe to stay on the island it is not yet safe to grow crops, harvest shell fish or collect coconuts, as all still suffer from the radioactive effects of the tests. This means the traditional way of life is still impossible here.

Beyond The Blue is a training company that specialises in helping prepare individuals for their planned travel. We believe in being realistic in the information we supply and do not believe in scare mongering. We do not try and create an atmosphere that relies on individuals being scared to travel in order to attend our workshops. We believe strongly that almost anyone can travel and experience new environments and that a little research and preparation can go along way to finding the perfect destination for you. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop is designed to resolve your fears and reassure you that despite all the horrors stories you may have heard, most trips are perfectly safe and people return home with memories they will treasure for the rest of their lives.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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