Wednesday 15 September 2004

Marshall Islands

Title – Marshall Islands
Date – September 2004
Location - Marshal Islands

Coral Atolls pepper the Pacific Ocean, dotted in the almost turquoise sea, from the air they really can look like paradise and many of them are, but every so often you come across one that seems to break the mould and might be worth avoiding.

The pacific is certainly one of the friendliest regions of the earth and in general is a very safe area to visit, but like every rule there are exceptions and there are some that remain dangerous to visit. Chuck lagoon in Micronesia is not well know for it’s hospitality and countries like Papua New Guinea still suffer from a lack of effective policing and inter-tribal tensions that mean you must plan well in order to visit.

Beyond The Blue provides destination advice during our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop so that you can enjoy your travels in safety. Making the right decisions regarding your destinations before finding out for yourself the hard way, will save you time and money and allow you to experience more highs then lows.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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