Tuesday 13 August 2002

Night Time Visitors

Title – Night Time Visitors
Date – August 2002
Location - Khovsgol – Mongolia

The opportunity to spend the night in a Ger (traditional round felt tent) is not one to be missed and turning down the invitation might be considered rude. It turned out to be the best night sleep I had during the whole of my Mongolian trip. But the luxury came at a price; the space was shared not only with the whole family, but with some of the animals as well. This is a practice not unfamiliar in a country, where in winter; the average temperature can be in the region of -35C.

Many people would have concerns about sharing their sleeping quarters with livestock and the recent outbreak of Avian Flu in many countries round the world might give you good reason. But research further and you will note that to date (July 2006) only a few cases have been recorded in Mongolia and these were discovered in migrating birds and not domestic stock and no human cases have been recorded. It certainly has something to do with the fact that very few Mongolians keep domestic birds, unlike much of the rest of Asia.

In Mongolia the Marmots are the ones to look out for as some of them still carry the Bubonic Plague.

Beyond The Blue provides destination advice including a summary of health issues for your destination during our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop.

Beyond The Blue maintains a particular interest in Mongolia. The Christina Nobel Children’s Foundation through their operations in Mongolia, work with street kids and children from poor families, to offer support and assistance in escaping the cycle of poverty. The invaluable work the Foundation carries out, helps provide opportunities to the children of this amazing country.

Some of the Street Kids of Ulaan Baatar are forced to live in the city’s sewer system, sleeping on top of the hot water pipes to stay warm and to stay alive. Temperature in the city regularly drops below -35C in the winter months and this is the only way they can survive. For more information we urge you to visit The Christina Nobel Children’s Foundation web site at

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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