Tuesday 13 August 2002

Mongolian Ferrari

Title – Mongolian Ferrari
Date – August 2002
Location - Khovsgol – Mongolia

Red Rum he wasn’t, but the threat of a visit to a fast food chain certainly got him moving. At home we would probably send him to a retirement home, but in the Khovsgol region of Mongolia he was more valuable then even the most expensive Ferrari. Horses are the one thing that keeps the country moving and they are therefore the most prized possessions.

Knowing what is important to local people can make a big difference to the level of your acceptance, within the local community you receive. Beyond The Blue offer guidance during our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop on how to embrace the different cultures and traditions you come across to broaden your experiences.

We maintain a particular interest in Mongolia. The Christina Nobel Children’s Foundation through their operations in Mongolia, work with street kids and children from poor families, to offer support and assistance in escaping the cycle of poverty. The invaluable work the Foundation carries out, helps provide opportunities to the children of this amazing country.

Some of the Street Kids of Ulaan Baatar are forced to live in the city’s sewer system, sleeping on top of the hot water pipes to stay warm and to stay alive. Temperature in the city regularly drops below -35C in the winter months and this is the only way they can survive. For more information we urge you to visit The Christina Nobel Children’s Foundation web site at

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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