Wednesday 1 September 1999

Seghe Airport

Title – Seghe Airport
Date – September 1999
Location - Marovo Lagoon – Solomon Islands

Seghe Airport in the Solomon Islands isn’t exactly a bustling airport, but it acts as a vital supply and transport route to this spectacular part of the South Pacific. When planes arrive on a very infrequent basis they have to circle the airport twice before landing. Circling over the Marovo lagoon is a sight that will impress even the most hardened traveller, but the reason they circle is not to show off the beauty of their islands, but rather as a warning to all those local people that it’s time to turn the local football pitch and market place into an airport again for an hour. On hearing the engines the locals pack up their belongings in a hurry and move the goal posts before the whole village turn out to find out how many and who might be arriving.

Within 25 minutes of disembarking you find the plane has left and the villagers have returned to their homes and you are left alone outside the terminal building, not quite knowing what is going on and not being able to enter the terminal building; as inside it seems to be the ideal place to store the lawn mower….

Beyond The Blue provides individuals planning independent travel with training which will help them plan and execute their trips in a safe and effective manner. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop will not only will it help you enjoy your trip, but it will also give those family and friends you leave behind, peace of mind and the confidence to know that you have the basic skills to travel safely throughout your trip.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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