Wednesday 1 September 1999

Kennedy Island

Title – Kennedy Island
Date – September 1999
Location – Solomon Islands

The modern history of the USA and the world was played out in the pacific ocean only 50 years ago during the second world war. Kennedy’s boat was sunk in the Solomon Islands and he eventually swam to this tiny sand bar in the Solomon (subsequently named Kennedy Island). From here he and the 10 survivors of his crew were rescued by some friendly local scouts who helped them to regroup and be rescued by their own forces.

The friendship many of these islanders showed to outsiders at that time is well documented in history and despite effective invasions taking place in many parts of the region before and since WWII, they remain some of the friendliest people in the world today. There are few places in the pacific where you will not receive the warmest of welcomes and where ‘respect’ is still a word that refers to being aware of your impact on others.

Understanding and respect are key words used throughout our workshop at Beyond The Blue We believe that by understanding the culture and history of countries, we can more easily accommodate changes to our own behaviour when visiting them. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop allow individuals to gain a better understanding of how to communicate positively with local people and how to behave in countries that often have very different values to our own.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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