Friday 22 June 2007


Title – Marrakech
Date – June 2007
Location – Marrakech - Morocco

Local traders and markets are a draw for travellers all the way from Bangkok to here in Marrakesh. They are vibrant, busy and quintessentially local places. Undoubtedly in many places they have changed to accommodate tourists and the additional income that they provide, but looking past this façade you can almost always see that essentially they are still a hub of local life.

The Souks of Marrakesh are world renowned for their cramped streets, bustling with ‘shops’ and traders selling anything and everything from cow hides to electronic goods. You can get well and truly lost in the maze of tiny streets and neither the best map nor the most up-to-date GPS system will serve you particularly well. The one way-out sometimes seems to be the locals; and both old and young long ago figured out that this is a service that they can charge for. In fact consider yourself very lucky if you manage to go more than 5 or 10 minutes without acquiring a self-appointed ‘guide’ and they all have one thing in common; they simply do not understand the word ‘No’.

Markets, souks or any busy urban area can present their own dangers, petty criminals, pick-pockets, bag-snatchers, con-men, all use the crowds as cover for their ‘trade’. That is even before you face the war of words with the legitimate traders when you finally decide you have found a souvenir you actually want to buy. As much as no visit to Marrakesh is complete without a visit to the Souks, it is always a relief when you escape them back onto the main square (Djamaa El Fna), where although the competition for your wallet does not exactly die down, the space at least allows you to walk around and away from the calls of the dried fruit sellers.

Understanding the local culture allows you to approach your travel with the confidence you need to avoid being the victim of crime or being constantly ripped off. During our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop we examine your destination(s) and the culture-shock you are likely to experience. We examine the best way to deal with unwanted attention and traders demanding extortionately high prices for their wares and how to haggle effectively but without causing offence or resorting to aggression or rudeness, that will only end up costing you more. We also examine travel and personal safety when you find yourself in these wonderful but potentially dangerous locations.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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