Saturday 16 December 2006


Title – Perspective
Date – December 2006
Location - Perito Moraneo Glacier - Argentina

The 30km long Perito Moraneo Glacier is one of Argentina’s main tourist attractions and for good reason. It is one of only three glaciers in the country that is currently not retreating and the spectacular 5km wide wall regularly looses great chunks of ice that crash down its 60m and into the lake below. Most people who visit this glacier do so in the vain hope that a spectacular breach will occur just as they happen to be there.

A breach is an event that happens on an irregular basis, anywhere between every two and ten years and with the previous five occurring in 1980, 1984, 1988, 2004 and the last one in March 2006 (Information correct as of August 2006) you really would have to get lucky to see one. A breach occurs when the glacier flows right across of the lake and through to the other side creating a natural dam. The water on one side of the dam can rise to height 30m above the level of the other side and eventually the pressure reaches critical point and smashes through the glacier barrier to equalise the lake once again and prepare for the cycle to start all over.

The size of this glacier and the pressures involved are simply incomprehensible, but perspective is everything and as this photograph demonstrates, you have to go to these places to appreciate them properly.

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop is designed to help individuals go and see these wonders for themselves. Beyond The Blue believes in the powerful effect travelling can have on peoples lives; the perspective they gain can change their lives completely. We are on hand to help you to make a start and gain the confidence, to not only take the giant leap into the unknown, but to understand the nature of the unknown itself.

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Image – © Heather Spalton

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