Thursday 20 October 2005

Matcchu Pitcchu

Title – Matcchu Pitcchu
Date – October 2005
Location - Peru

A city built in the clouds, the last great city of the Inca civilisation and simply one of the mans greatest ever achievements, is quite rightly a draw for travellers from all over the world. Designed to be almost invisible, even more difficult to get to and almost impossible to attack, this city was home to the last great Inca King, Tupac Amaru and his high priests and temples.

This great city was lost to the world for hundreds of years until ‘re-discovered’, with the help of some local farmers, by Hiram Bingham a professor from Yale University as recently as 1911 (although this has recently been disputed with the German Augusto Berns believed to have ransacked it’s treasures 40 years earlier).

Matcchu Pitcchu is certainly one of those places that is difficult to describe without actually having been there to see it for yourself. Beyond The Blue is a training organisation whose aim it is to give people the skills, confidence and knowledge to travel to any location in the world, where they have dreamed about going. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop will certainly help people make the right choices about their destination and help them to decide what destination and activities best suit them; but we also encourage people to realise that the world is a much smaller then most people realise and that many dreams that seem distant are actually readily achievable.

You can walk the Inca Trail to reach the majestic Matcchu Pitcchu or you can take the train what is important above all is that you reach your goal.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Heather Spalton

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