Tuesday 20 December 2005

Ice Float

Title – Ice Float
Date – December 2005
Location - Antarctica

If space tourism may be the next big thing, but I’m staying right here on earth. How many people can truly say they have seen everything the world has to offer? 15 years of travelling might get you to about 25% of all the countries in the world but that leaves 75% still to be experienced. How many people have been to Antarctica, maybe truly the last frontier on earth?

But the world is getting smaller and we can get round it much more cheaply than ever before. These developments open up opportunities like Antarctica once the reserve of the expeditions rather then the intrepid traveller.

At Beyond The Blue we truly understands the wealth of secrets that our world has to offer, we understand the inherent desire in people, to want to travel where no one they know has travelled before and we understand the need in many to explore the world for themselves and learn for themselves.

We recommend our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to anyone planning a trip to a new part of the world for two simple reasons. Firstly what we teach you is a basic understanding of yourself and those around you to help you make better and safer judgements. Secondly we provide information on your destinations so you can be prepared on your arrival. These skills will allow you to explore and discover new countries and new continents for yourself without wasting precious time dealing with the mistakes you made in preparation or destination choices.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Heather Spalton

Sunday 20 November 2005

Peruvian Smile

Title – Peruvian Smile
Date – November 2005
Location - Peru

Peru has a colour and flair to it that brings the cities and people alive. These kids just epitomise the happiness and curiosity that pervades this country, with its rich cultural history and its magnificent archaeological sights. It sometimes seems that Peru has something for almost everyone, with high mountains and low rainforest, you can reach all the extremes that the world offers, but throughout there is one constant. That constant is the people of Peru, overwhelmingly friendly and always happy to see visitors from all over the world come to their country, to experience their culture.

Peru like so many countries, welcomes tourists and travellers from all over the world and Beyond The Blue helps to prepare you for the encounters you will face along the way. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop is designed to help you to prepare and be aware of where you are going, how to act appropriately, sensitively and safely in the environment that awaits you.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Heather Spalton

Thursday 20 October 2005

Matcchu Pitcchu

Title – Matcchu Pitcchu
Date – October 2005
Location - Peru

A city built in the clouds, the last great city of the Inca civilisation and simply one of the mans greatest ever achievements, is quite rightly a draw for travellers from all over the world. Designed to be almost invisible, even more difficult to get to and almost impossible to attack, this city was home to the last great Inca King, Tupac Amaru and his high priests and temples.

This great city was lost to the world for hundreds of years until ‘re-discovered’, with the help of some local farmers, by Hiram Bingham a professor from Yale University as recently as 1911 (although this has recently been disputed with the German Augusto Berns believed to have ransacked it’s treasures 40 years earlier).

Matcchu Pitcchu is certainly one of those places that is difficult to describe without actually having been there to see it for yourself. Beyond The Blue is a training organisation whose aim it is to give people the skills, confidence and knowledge to travel to any location in the world, where they have dreamed about going. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop will certainly help people make the right choices about their destination and help them to decide what destination and activities best suit them; but we also encourage people to realise that the world is a much smaller then most people realise and that many dreams that seem distant are actually readily achievable.

You can walk the Inca Trail to reach the majestic Matcchu Pitcchu or you can take the train what is important above all is that you reach your goal.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Heather Spalton

Wednesday 20 July 2005


Title – Monastery
Date – July 2005
Location - Koh Samui - Thailand

Wat Plai Laem is a Buddhist temple on the north east corner of Koh Samui. Moving into a hut adjoining it, this beautiful temple lent me this stunning view from the porch of my hut. What a great place to relax after a day working as a Dive Master just down the road.

But it’s certainly worth checking out where you decide to live.

Two weeks after moving in it seemed that the temple was gearing up for it’s annual festival. A weeks worth of late night music culminating in a rock concert on the last night that no ear-plugs could drown out.

Beyond The Blue run Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops designed to suit the individuals attending. Whether you are going for a two week trip, a two month one or a two year round the world adventure, we have the knowledge and experience to help you make the right choices both during your planning stages and when you are away enjoying everything the world has to offer.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Sunset Serenity

Title – Sunset Serenity
Date – July 2005
Location - Koh Samui - Thailand

The serenity of this sunset would be impossible describe in words.

Beyond The Blue through our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop help individuals to gain the confidence they need and the information required to travel safely and to be able to relax in environments like this one.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Thai Bungalow

Title – Thai Bungalow
Date – July 2005
Location - Koh Samui - Thailand

Deciding to stay for a prolonged period of time in one location can be a great way of really embracing the local culture and way of life and certainly helps with your budgeting. Here in Thailand this Bungalow can be hired for under US$100 a month and cheaper accommodation is available in other parts of the island and certainly other parts of the world. That is the equivalent of about £1.75 a day.

Beyond The Blue offers Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops to those planning to travel for the first time to a new country(s). We offer advice from years of experience travelling round the world learning through trial and error and our experiences in other industries. We know the best ways are to deal with all the situations you come across and we will give you a wealth of tips and information to make your trip safe and enjoyable.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Thai Sunset

Title – Thai Sunset
Date – July 2005
Location - Koh Samui - Thailand

Sunset is a peaceful time wherever you are, but it helps when you are sitting on the beach sipping a cocktail and deciding on which seafood option to go with. Koh Samui is a great place to kick-back and enjoy all the amenities on this island that has blended traditional ways, with modern facilities and dedicated itself to tourism.

If you are looking for a place to come and have pure unadulterated fun, then this certainly is the place for you; it boasts a vibrant night life and bars, restaurants and clubs to suit almost every taste.

Beyond The Blue provides advice to anyone undertaking travel to new parts of the world. Some people choose remote locations and some choose urban ones. Here in Koh Samui it’s a little of both and with the beautiful beaches comes the urban sprawl of areas like Chaweng and this combination brings its own problems. Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop helps prepare you for the dangers of both environments and all the adventure you have planned.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew