Thursday 4 January 2001

On top of the Pacific

Title – On top of the Pacific
Date – January 2001
Location - Kandavu, Fiji

This view over the Pacific is much as it must have been in 1643; 130 years before Captain Cook and his crew came across it again on their famous trip to the South Seas. But the discovery of Fiji belongs to the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman who earlier had discovered Tasmania, which nearly two hundred years later was finally named in his honour.

Fiji is truly a beautiful country, it has traditions which it defends fiercely and still remains a society governed in the main by the village elders, who receive the great respect they deserve and have kept Fiji from going down the road of some of it’s, not so close, pacific neighbours. To this day a visit to Fiji, is in some ways, a visit back in time; Kava ceremonies (traditional ceremonial drink with slight narcotic effluences) to welcome visitors or seal friendships are still very common and demonstrate the living tradition that exists on this island nation.

Kava is prepared in the tanoa (a large ceremonial bowl). The dried and powdered root, wrapped in a piece of cloth, is mixed with water and the resulting concoction looks (and tastes) like muddy water. You will then be offered a drink from a bilo (half a coconut shell). Clap once, accept the bilo and say 'bula' (meaning 'cheers', or literally, 'life'), before drinking it all in one go. Clap three times in gratification and try not to grimace. The drink will be shared until the tanoa is empty. You are not obligated to drink every bilo offered to you, but it is polite to drink at least the first

Beyond The Blue runs Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop designed to give you a head start when travelling to remote parts of the world, as well as when travelling closer to home. We examine the traditions and cultures of your destinations and share our stories and any you might have from previous trips, with all those attending to give everyone the tools to travel safely and with confidence.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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