Saturday 16 August 1997

Jungle Shelter

Title – Jungle Shelter
Date – August 1997
Location - Bukit Lawang – Sumatra - Indonesia

Trekking through primary rainforest is the most incredible experience; if you have the opportunity to do it in Northern Sumatra then there are additional surprises to watch out for.

On this 5 day hike, sleeping under the stars (canapé) or in old jungle shelters, we came across orang-utans, gibbons, snakes, and any number of insects and bugs. But the knowledge that the fauna you can actually see in a rainforest is probably only a fraction of what is actually out there, certainly makes you lie awake at night wondering what it is, at that point, that is crawling over your legs in the darkness.

At Beyond The Blue we will open your eyes to the dangers that you may face when undertaking a trip to a new country. If your destination is an urban one or a wild one like the rainforest our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops will provide you with the basic skills required to travel safely and with confidence.

We will not cure you of your phobias; to many people, sleeping on the floor of a rainforest almost alive with beetles, ants, lizards and cockroaches, is their idea of hell on earth. But for some the isolation and uniqueness of the environment will help them to forget and if that doesn’t work, then rest assured the physical effort required to hike through the jungle will have the effect of a dozen sleeping pills.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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