Friday 15 April 1994

The Mirage

Title – The Mirage
Date – April 1994
Location – Las Vegas - USA

Las Vegas is a party town and a great place to spend a day or two enjoying all the excesses on offer. It can be done in all sorts of different ways and with different budgets. Just as you can sit at the roulette table playing 50c chips side by side with someone playing US$5000 chips, you can stay in this town in some of the luxury hotels for relatively little cost and eat great food cheaply and if your budget will stretch even play a few hands of blackjack. Get into the right casino and project the right image; you’ll even get all your drinks free, or at most for the price of a tip.

Beyond The Blue has experience of all aspects of travel, we recommend that if your budget will stretch or if budgets are no object, you take the odd opportunity to spoil yourself a little and Vegas is a great place to do that, just make sure you leave your credit card locked in the room safe, so you can’t accidentally bet your credit limit on ‘red or black’.

Our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop can help you with advice on every aspect of your trip and the experiences of our instructors will help you to better understand the excitement that you can expect when you set off.

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Image – ©Peter Mayhew

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