Tuesday 20 December 2005

Ice Float

Title – Ice Float
Date – December 2005
Location - Antarctica

If space tourism may be the next big thing, but I’m staying right here on earth. How many people can truly say they have seen everything the world has to offer? 15 years of travelling might get you to about 25% of all the countries in the world but that leaves 75% still to be experienced. How many people have been to Antarctica, maybe truly the last frontier on earth?

But the world is getting smaller and we can get round it much more cheaply than ever before. These developments open up opportunities like Antarctica once the reserve of the expeditions rather then the intrepid traveller.

At Beyond The Blue we truly understands the wealth of secrets that our world has to offer, we understand the inherent desire in people, to want to travel where no one they know has travelled before and we understand the need in many to explore the world for themselves and learn for themselves.

We recommend our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop to anyone planning a trip to a new part of the world for two simple reasons. Firstly what we teach you is a basic understanding of yourself and those around you to help you make better and safer judgements. Secondly we provide information on your destinations so you can be prepared on your arrival. These skills will allow you to explore and discover new countries and new continents for yourself without wasting precious time dealing with the mistakes you made in preparation or destination choices.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Heather Spalton