Monday 20 January 2003

Pacific Dance

Title – Pacific Dance
Date – January 2003
Location - Cook Islands

Dancing is one of the activities that is practised the world over from Carlisle to the Cook Islands and despite the obvious differences in dancing styles and dress; the effect is the same.

The relatively recent phenomenon of popular music does however mean that it most parts of the world there is now an alternative to the traditional. A club or bar where western music (or local copies of western tunes) can be danced to, until the early hours is often available.

The bar and club environment is one that many individuals travelling enjoy on a regular basis and just as this environment can have hazards in the UK; the situation can be just as bad in other countries. In unfamiliar environments these hazards can be treacherous and little problems seem to be magnified. Beyond The Blue can provide individuals with the skills to avoid these types of problems and our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops are designed to train you in some basic low-impact personal safety techniques, these help you to remove yourself from situations in which you feel uncomfortable or threatened.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Wednesday 15 January 2003

Harvesting Sea Cucumbers

Title – Harvesting Sea Cucumbers
Date – January 2003
Location - Cook Islands

Collecting Sea Cucumbers at sunset is a nightly activity here on Atutaki, the harvest either consumed locally or shipped on to the far east where it is considered a delicacy. The locals are all too aware of the limited resource available and are careful not to over harvest any one area, ensuring there will be an endless ‘average harvest’ and not just a one year bonanza.

When you travel for any period of time there is usually a budget to stick to and this has to account for all your needs while you are stranded so far away from home. Some people choose to work for part of the duration of their trip and some just rack up credit.

During our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshops we examine not only ways of protecting your valuables and documents we also look at areas where you can make savings, as well as those where these savings carry too much risk. Beyond The Blue’s instructors have stayed in some of the worlds best hotels and in some of the poorest slums, we know where each option is the appropriate choice.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Island Life

Title – Island Life
Date – January 2003
Location - Cook Islands

There are some spots in the world where it would actually be a challenge to be anything else but utterly relaxed; there can literally be no other state of mind.

The Beaches of the Cook Islands are certainly a location that is relatively easy to visit and as soon as you get out of the plane you’ll start to immediately understand why the locals are so laid back.

Beyond The Blue run workshops to help individuals prepare correctly for their forthcoming trip. We teach as part of our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop various ways to protect your own personal safety and also give you our experiences learned the hard way over a period of 15 years travelling to Europe, Asia, The Pacific and well beyond. Once you have the confidence in yourself, not relaxing really is impossible here.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew

Island Dreams

Title – Island Dreams
Date – January 2003
Location - Cook Islands

If the only reason this doesn’t excite you is a fear of your destination country, then Beyond The Blue with our Gap Year and Independent Travel Safety & Awareness workshop can help you to prepare with the guidance of our experienced instructors to overcome these hurdles and help design a trip within your parameters.

Please visit our website at

Image – ©Peter Mayhew